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Walk Awhile In My Shoes-2 Books in 1 (Free Training Program Included)


Walk Awhile In My Shoes...the revolutionary handbook that's actually two books in one! 

Break down "we vs. they" beliefs and behaviors while encouraging new levels of understanding, perspective, empathy, and cooperation. Use this popular one-of-a-kind book to help everyone as they focus on achieving the organization's mission in a values-based way. Walk Awhile In My Shoes will help bridge the gap between employees and managers.  A free power point presentation and downloadable Leader's Guide is included with every order.  


Please note that this book is printed in a unique UPSIDE DOWN format. Half of the book is written from the Manager's perspective. Flip the book over, and the other half is written from the Employee's perspective. Each side "meets in the middle" This format is intentional and what makes this book one of a kind.